Is Lakewood eyeing JeffCo’s shuttered schools?
Cross Post from The Gazette, Jimmy Sengenberger
In the face of Denver’s daunting $45 million migrant crisis, Lakewood’s city council recently embraced the role of a “good neighbor,” pledging support for a regional response to Denver’s migrant overflow at their Jan. 8 meeting.
Speculation has swirled that Lakewood hopes to exploit Jefferson County’s status as a “sanctuary” jurisdiction for illegal immigrants and acquire closed JeffCo schools to shelter migrants and homeless Coloradans.
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Yet, as the city distances itself from these reports, questions linger. If there’s nothing to them, why does Jefferson County Schools appear poised to offload its shuttered schools to local municipalities at a discount — especially after renovating the buildings at a cost of millions of dollars just before closures due to declining enrollment?
Read the full story here. It’s worth it….