Public Comment Moved To After Council Votes

Mayor Wendi Strom has changed the timing of public comment. In the name of efficiency, Strom has moved comment from the beginning until later in the meeting. Originally, public comment was moved to after the consent agenda. Now, there is no public comment until all business has been concluded.

You can voice your opinion after Council has voted.

In this case, efficiency may seem like shutting down the voices of the public. Are there other efficiencies being achieved?

The agenda for Monday, February 12 is shown below with notations for topics that will bring changes to Lakewood that have been in the news recently.

Screen capture of agenda for Feb 12 Council meeting

Public Comment online is available until noon, February 12.

To comment, go to the meeting agenda page and click on the item you wish to speak about. There will be a “Comment on this item” button. If there is no Comment button, Council is not accepting comment on that item particularly (for example, Mayor and Council Reports in the picture below). Anything on those items will go in “Public Comment”, while “City Navigation Center” has its own comment section.

Screen capture of public comment button on LakewoodSpeaks

Sidenote: Lakewood City Councilors expressed satisfaction during the January 8 meeting that there were 50 comments supporting migrant assistance. In point of fact, many of those comments were supporting revisions to the Yarrow St development plan. Recently, Lakewood Informer conducted a survey that showed residents were not in favor of the migrant assistance or the current plans for the homeless shelter. The survey had 4 times as many respondents as the public comment but is still not representative of Lakewood as a whole. 100 survey respondents were used as the basis of adopting building codes. (for more, see Opinion: Your Views Matter When They Agree With the City)

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