Council Abandons Required Public Study Sessions

Guest post from Jim Kinney

Lakewood’s City Council’s established Core Community Values, and Commitment to Citizens, which are both found on, which include commitment to transparent government, open and honest communication and a commitment to provide education and information.  City Council, which includes the Mayor, has also committed itself to focusing on quality results, promoting an inclusive environment for all citizens, respecting the traditions of the community, and honoring Lakewood’s neighborhoods’ values.

City Council’s Policy and Procedures Manual (also found at, approved on May 14, 2018, contains the official policies and procedures City Council (Council) has developed and approved for themselves, to which their duties, proceedings, meetings and conduct all must conform.  The authority for the Council Policy and Procedures Manual comes from the City of Lakewood Home Rule Charter and the Council’s approval of their Policy and Procedures Manual (Manual).

Manual, Section 05.16, establishes official Council policy and procedures for Study Sessions.  Study Sessions are a regular event conducted to familiarize the Council and the public with detailed information and aspects of subjects under consideration in advance of the date the subject is to be before Council on the regular Council meeting agenda.  Study Sessions are scheduled to be held on the first and third Mondays of each month, to facilitate coordinated study of subjects in preparation for upcoming regular Council meetings, which are scheduled for the second and fourth Mondays of each month. The public may comment at Study Sessions and their comments add to the overall value of information presented and collected at a Study Session. A public comment period follows each presentation within a Study Session, prior to Council discussion.

Council Study Sessions create the opportunity to present, question, understand, analyze, discuss and debate broad and detailed information, aspects and options associated with the subject, all the while allowing invaluable communication among Council, City staff and the public to occur. Participation in Study Sessions allows Council an opportunity and means to fulfill their Commitment to Citizens and focus on their Core Community Values, which were briefly introduced in the first paragraph.

Unfortunately, a disturbing and harmful trend has developed in City governance concerning the required use of Study Sessions in Council proceedings. Council chose to cancel a significant number of Study Sessions throughout 2023, and that trend of cancellations of Study Sessions is continuing in 2024.  Holding Study Sessions, usually on both the first and third Mondays of the month, is required policy and procedure for Council. 

Failure to conduct Study Sessions deprives City Council and the public of the necessary information, facts, perspectives, and a means of quality preparation necessary to make the best decisions for the Community on issues coming before Council for consideration and decision making. 

The Council and the entire Lakewood community benefits from presentations and discussions during each Study Sessions.  Council must ensure the scheduling and conduct of valuable, high quality Study Sessions, as they have required of themselves, for good reason, in their Council Manual.

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