Kairoi attorneys admit Belmar Park project scope much larger than previously disclosed!

From SaveBelmarPark.com

Attorneys for Kairoi have now filed a lawsuit regarding the recent ordinance adopted by Lakewood City Council that eliminated the option to pay a fee to avoid providing open space with land development projects.

You can read the court filing HERE.

Kairoi’s own attorneys have made it crystal clear that the project scope is NOT reflected by any of the four Major SIte Plan submittals Kairoi has filed with Lakewood.

We are pointing out that this fact arguably means Kairoi has never filed a ‘substantially complete application’ for their project because over half of the project’s units have not yet been included in their Major SIte Plan submittals!

This means Kairoi has no basis to claim that previous city ordinances or other commitments written or oral made by the city should be binding on the city until a full and substantially complete application is brought forward.

After all, even for just the 777 S Yarrow site, Kairoi has made no effort in their MSPs to date to even comply with the basic utility easement requirements for water, sewer, natural gas, transformers and electrical service!  

So even those MSPs are not ‘substantially complete’ because the developer may have to make significant revisions including modify building setbacks and footprint in order to comply with the basic utility easements!

Their own attorneys go into detail about Kairoi’s development process including their contractual provisions for land acquisition of the two parcels from the same seller.

They state two 12-story buildings are also planned for the 777 S Wadsworth location directly across the street from 777 S Yarrow Street!

Read more here…

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