Belmar Park Traffic Study ignores traffic from over HALF of the planned housing units!


Here is more of the cloudy history from the strange Book of Belmar.  This has come to light due to the attention to detail provided by Kairoi’s excellent attorneys at the Brownstein law firm in their court filing with Jefferson County District Court.

Map of Irongate Office Complex location
Map of Irongate Office Complex location. From SaveBelmarPark

Please notice the map above.  The green area represents Belmar Park.  The two red blocks represent the two parcels of land that comprise the Irongate Office Complex.  The red square on the left is 777 S Yarrow Street.  The red rectangle on the right is 777 S Wadsworth Boulevard.

The developer plans to build at least 411 apartments at 777 S Yarrow within the red square on the left.

An additional 650-800 apartments are planned within the rectangle on the right at 777 S Wadsworth.  

How will they construct so many units at 777 S Wadsworth?  

By building TWO 12-STORY TOWERS.

Two key points to consider.

1)  Kairoi always planned to develop BOTH Irongate parcels.  Namely, 777 S Yarrow Street and 777 S Wadsworth Blvd shown above.

This point is established by numerous statements in the legal brief filed on behalf of the developer including that Kairoi submitted a formal letter of intent to purchase both properties way back on October 9, 2020.

The two parcels are conveniently located directly across the street from each other and are both part of the Irongate office complex as shown on the map above.

Yet incredibly, the developer has succeeded in excluding the S Wadsworth location from consideration by the public or Lakewood’s Planning Department or Lakewood’s Planning Commission or Lakewood’s City Council or the Colorado Department of Transportation!  Wow!  

On December 2, 2020, both the seller and Kairoi signed a letter of intent for Kairoi to purchase the TWO properties.

Lakewood was also in the loop even back then. On December 14, 2020, the City of Lakewood provided a formal zoning verification to Kairoi for the two properties.

In addition to the 777 S Yarrow location, as per page 6 of the court filing, Kairoi has always planned to construct multiple 12-story towers on the S Wadsworth site with 650-800 total housing units at that location.  There has been no change to that plan.

And since they are only proposing 411 units at the S Yarrow address, the majority of the units Kairoi plans to build at Irongate are not yet included in their major site plan or TRAFFIC STUDY since 650-800 units so far have been excluded.  

Those 650-800 excluded units are over half of the project and Kairoi has succeeded in keeping that fact quiet.  Nobody is talking about that elephant in the room.

So let’s move on to the second key point.

2)  Kairoi has NEVER included the 777 S Wadsworth site in traffic planning.  

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