Public Input Matters

Lakewood City Council Members have decided to oppose several state legislative efforts: Land Use bill, Right of First Refusal, and Regulating Local Housing Growth Restrictions have now all been officially opposed or strongly opposed by Lakewood. This is almost a reversal of where Lakewood started on these issues, with only two Councilors wanting to oppose and the others in support or monitor positions. One other notable change was the increasing number of people attending committee meetings.

Regarding Local Housing Growth Restrictions, this bill would have overturned Lakewood’s Strategic Growth Initiative (SGI), which was voted on and passed by the people. Since that time, Lakewood has been accused of using blight to go around SGI and not listening to the people.

Council Members Vincent and Stewart have identified problems and unintended consequences with the SGI. Vincent has heard from constituents for years and recognized they stood behind SGI. Both Members publicly wrestled with the decision to vote their own personal views (against SGI) or the views they believe a majority of their constituents hold (supporting SGI). Councilors Janssen and Olver had no such conflict; they supported the will of the voters from the beginning, in other words, supported the results of the SGI vote.

The legislative sessions were closely watched this year, with few residents attending in the beginning and several showing at the April 24th meeting. At that meeting, all four Members voted as they believed constituents would want – to support SGI and strongly oppose HB23-1255, the bill regulating local housing growth restrictions.

Public input also made a difference in the recently enacted Short-Term Rental ordinance, when a last minute amendment changed the proposal. Resident voices got that amendment repealed.

In the case of legislative matters, Lakewood’s decisions may have come too late to make a difference. In the case of Right of First Refusal, the bill was through third reading before Lakewood took a position. The recent change to strongly oppose for housing growth restrictions came when there are only two weeks left in the session and opportunities to participate are limited. However, it is important to note the vital role the public played and the equally important fact that Council listened.

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