Tag: history

  • Lakewood blighting new development
  • New designation allows city funding participation
  • Votes seem cemented due to prior planning with developer
  • Property not blighted prior to sale

On January 22, 2025, the Lakewood Planning Commission will vote on designating a new development area as an Urban Renewal. This designation will allow the city to fund part of the development. The development in question is called “The Bend” and is located on what used to be the Denver Federal Center, southeast of the 6th and Union intersection. The property includes an ex-Superfund site that has not been remediated. However, the property was not blighted before the property sale, when all buyers could plan for city assistance. Instead, the area was deemed a prime location for commercial activity, according to comprehensive and special studies.

Aerial map of Union Blvd area
Site boundaries from the Union Blvd Corridor Plan, 2011, pg 2

Once again, Lakewood has contracted a study to prove to the residents that they have no choice except to do what is really a discretionary action. The study by Ricker Cunningham shows that “the survey concluded that nine (9) of the 11 total possible factors [for blight] are present at varying degrees of intensity, but all at levels considered adverse to properties, businesses, and persons living, working, and traveling through the area.”

Read the study:

The study is some research but more justification for what the city apparently wants to do. There is no explanation from anyone about why it wasn’t blighted anytime in the last 30-50 years since the site was decommissioned. An earlier designation would have created a more equal playing field for those bidding on the property, in the name of full disclosure. As it stands, it seems that one developer is getting a special deal.

The study even documents that the Planning Commission meeting is a foregone conclusion:

“… in addition to the public hearing (February 24, 2025), were scheduled, noticed, and conducted. Specifically, the Authority considered the Plan on XXXXXXX at a duly noticed meeting, and the Planning Commission reviewed the same on January 22, 2025, where they determined it to be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan.“ – Study, pg 8

Jefferson County, City of Lakewood, Jefferson County School District R-1, West Metro Fire Protection District, and Mile High Flood District have already negotiated tax assessment and revenue agreements, prior to the public hearing.

“It is the intention of City Council in adopting this Urban Renewal Plan that the [Lakewood Reinvestment] Authority has available to it any and all powers authorized in the Act and considered necessary and appropriate to implement this Plan.  Because powers conferred by the Act include facilitating the completion of improvements for which public money may be expended, the intentions of this Plan are considered to be in the public interest and a necessity, such finding being a matter of legislative determination by City Council with its adoption.” – Study, pg 9

Lakewood May Pay for Site De-Contamination

Is this prime location for commercial activity really an area of blight? Debatable since it is called both prime and deteriorated in city documents but without this blight designation, Lakewood cannot fund the development.

“Union Boulevard has grown over the years and has achieved recognition as a prime location for business” – Union Boulevard Corridor Plan

To qualify for a blight designation, the site has been deemed deteriorated. This property was a federal military site that contains a toxic landfill. The study says the city may pay for old infrastructure and decontamination. Is the city signing up to pay for environmental remediation? Or is that only useful for designation purposes. So far no one has suggested actually decontaminating the site. Instead, the proposal is silent with respect to current plans but in the past the intention was to build over the hard parts.

In the quote below, the bold is the blight condition, and the suggested city contribution follows.

Deterioration of site or other improvements – removal of trash, remnant infrastructure, weeds, and contaminants;” – Study, pg 11

Many of the conditions of so-called “blight” mean that the property is undeveloped. For example, to read this report, any property without a water line, or a street without curbs should be blighted.

Existence of conditions that endanger life or property by fire or other causes – fire protection equipment, water lines, and storage facilities to ensure adequate flow;” – Study, pg 11

Since these are all conditions of an undeveloped property, and the developer bought the property knowing this and is now asking for the property to be blighted so the city can contribute, the question is: how much did the city promise the developer before purchase?

How much did the developer plan on receiving? Did they ever plan on doing this on their own?

The primary purpose of the plan is to allow the city to spend money

“the first objectives of any and all urban renewal plans is to provide the municipality with a workable program for expending available resources to mitigate and prevent the spread of blight, foster needed rehabilitation of improvements within designated locations, and advance community priorities expressed in adopted policy and planning documents.”-  Study, pg 9

Contrary to what may sound like an innocuous renewal area recommendation, this is a major commitment to develop an environmentally sensitive area, with contentious high-density homes in an already congested traffic area.

The plan aims to “advance community priorities,” which is a very subjective statement. The plans refer to designs started in 2008. Think of how much traffic has increased since then. The 2017 traffic study says traffic allowances will be needed and makes several recommendations, see below, which the city will also pay for.

Union area transportation study 11-22-2017

Current plans for the Union corridor are based on the layout of Portland, Oregon to increase density and walkability (see page 30). The new walkability plan completely rewrites the original city plan and block layout of a previous generation. The current plan also claims to be written for the next 50 years but is evidence that 50-year planning is difficult at best. This plan is a complete overhaul and urbanization of the Lakewood people here love.

Do residents want to partner with developers to build 2000 units near an unremediated toxic landfill?

The plan is to “use financial resources available to the [Lakewood Reinvestment] Authority for the express purpose of the same; and to actively  promote and partner with private investment and reinvestment interests.” – Study, pg 10

The vote to approve the blight is January 22, 2025 with the Lakewood Planning Commission.

*All opinions expressed in this article are the personal opinions of the author

Radiant Painting and Lighting

The Colorado Gives Foundation donated $20,000 to the 2024 Jeffco political issues to eliminate TABOR refunds. Free State Colorado walks through the mechanism in the video below with Natalie Menten.

Major Colorado Charity Gave $20,000 to Raise Taxes & Eliminate TABOR during 2024 Election!

As reported in Lakewood news, Colorado Gives also gave $5,000 to de-TABOR Lakewood.

Cory Gaines reports that Colorado Gives Director Dunkin confirmed that the foundation, after a vote by their board, did donate the money. The board felt as though the donation reflected their mission.

Gaines also reported that “Director Dunkin was quite emphatic in saying that no donation that comes through cogives.org or cogivesday.org is ever used, in any way, for any ballot issue or political purpose. Nor is it used by Colorado Gives for anything other than a tiny fraction to keep the donation infrastructure running.”

As reported by Free State Colorado, there is no record of where the money came from to donate to the Jeffco and Lakewood de-TABOR political issue.

Colorado Gives raised $54.6 million in 2024 for Colorado causes.

Guest Post from Laura Majors

We all rely on our elected officials, both paid and volunteer to do the right thing, work together, and make the best decisions possible for the city, county, and school system.  When they aren’t talking, community amenities are put at risk.  Our neighborhood, in the north end of Ward 1, is in a position to lose many amenities that can isolate a neighborhood.  We are being handed “plans”,  then input is received and largely ignored, with a concession here and there.  Here are the example of what we are experiencing:

Graham Park & Graham House:  

The Graham House and Park were donated to the city for a park with house for meetings and education.  Last Autumn, a small group of neighbors and HOAs (in a largely non-HOA neighborhood) were notified of “improvements” to this park.  The plan included the demolition of the Graham House. The reason for the demolition plan was the cost of fixing up the building as event rentals had decreased, largely for the reason that the building had not been maintained.   According to counts of the responses on at the initial community meeting and on  https://www.lakewoodtogether.org/grahamparkimprovements , community members want to keep the building, yet this request was ignored.  The new plan after community involvement, is to demolish the building.  An open records request response said that there is no record of a legal review by the City Attorney whether or not demolishing the building in respect to our city charter is legal, section 14.3, page 40.   Today, I requested of all our city council members a legal review of the plan to demolish the Graham House within Graham Park.  If there is an objective lawyer out there reading this who would like to give a pro bono opinion to the community, please do.

Graham Park Public Mee�ng Comment Cards Summary
• Keep the main building, kitchen and bedroom so it’s available for use for small public
needs/mee�ngs. Certainly more benches, sea�ng.
• Leave the property as close as possible to the original.
• Preserve and upgrade the building for community use.
• Exis�ng home should be updated for use as a community mee�ng loca�on.
• I would hate to see the house torn down. If it was fixed up maybe it would be rented more.
• Leave it alone! Gave land to Lakewood for people to enjoy and appreciate nature.
• Try to save the house, it is an architectural gem.
• No reason to demo house. Publicize the rental beter and lower the cost.
• Make use of the allocated “pot” money to preserve this historical gem. Don’t tear it down –
• Maintain/Rehab, but do not change the house.
• Please restore the house (i.e., wiring, plumbing, air condi�oning, hea�ng, ADA accessible).
Preserve open space and leave it natural.
• Graham House can be saved. House should be turned over to the Applewood Sustainable

Vivian Elementary School: 

JJeffCo School District decided to close Vivian Elementary School.  The school exists on a parcel of land donated in 1953 by the Larsen family, who farmed the land.  The family of the Larsens have indicated they would like the property to remain public.  Since the school closed in the Fall of 2023, neighbors say we are not receiving the priority #2 snow plowing around the school, making it more difficult to get out of the neighborhood onto priority #1 streets.

 In April 2024, JeffCo Schools held a community meeting at the local library.  They were overwhelmed by the number of people from our community who were interested, so many that monitors were set up outside of the room for overflow.  Representatives from the school district told the community that the City of Lakewood had turned down the opportunity to purchase the land and building.    This municipal process was posted on the JeffCo Schools Disposition web site for how the process was supposed to go.  The first step of the process is to meet with city officials, yet no record of this meeting exists.  

At the library meeting, the community gave clear feedback that a park was the best use of this land and indicated that the school district should go back to the city and ask again. Instead, Jeffco Schools went ahead with their next steps in the process to sell the land, which could result in up to 70 homes being built on the property.  Community members came forward in force with requests of the city to purchase this land for a park and possibly using the building for a recreation or learning center of some kind.  

On September 13th at 12:00 noon, the City Council of Lakewood and the Jeffco School Board and Superintendent held a meeting.  The only topic discussed was the school disposition process and more specifically, Emory and Vivian Elementary Schools.   While the Jeffco School Disposition process has a community notification system in place for anyone interested in one or all of the schools, a notification did not go out about this meeting.  The meeting was mostly about how the process didn’t work and Jeffco Schools admittedly said that the municipal process needed to be more “formal”, and that the city would be given more time in the future to respond on whether or not a property was desired for purchase.  The additional time would allow the city to discuss plans with the community before giving a formal response on a property.   

So, there are now direct negotiations for the city to purchase 3 acres from Jeffco Schools and Jeffco has asked developers to include that in their final plans.  

A community group met with one of the developers at their request to look at their plan and give feedback.  The development plan was for the ballfields, basketball court, playground, picnic areas, parking lot, and school building to be demolished.    The plan showed 37 houses leaving 3 acres of park space. Unfortunately, this is the 3 acres on the easement under which a very large Denver Water pipe lies.  Likely, homes could not be built on most of this space anyway.  We lose our amenities, we gain an easement. 

We would like to have a discussion with the city before all the amenities are gone.  

10850 20th Street/Quail Street Park:   

City Council approved the purchase of this land from Denver Water in the Autumn of 2023.  The city website says they have purchased it and will ask for community involvement after the purchase is complete. The portion on which Quail Street Park with a playground sits is a lease held by the city through 2028.

The Assessor’s office shows the owner is still Denver Water.  I asked the city for clarification and was told negotiations are ongoing.  City Council members have described this land as “passive park space”, which denotes no ball field or space for organized sports.

Removal of 20th and Oak Pedestrian Light:  

In addition to these properties, a pedestrian traffic light at 20th and Oak was being reviewed for decommissioning.  Kids used it to get to Vivian Elementary School.  Neighbors responded to the request for input, saying this light connects the neighborhood blocks, slows traffic on 20th, and was good for the community.  The light was removed.

A neighborhood at risk of isolation: 

A micro look at each of these decisions and the manner in which they were executed, taken individually,  is certainly not palatable. And when looked at from a macro level, they indicate government entities not working together and in doing so, isolating a community from amenities which have been at the center of this community’s mental and physical health.

The City of Lakewood’s own research identified Ward 1 as the ward with the least amount of city park and green space per population. How is more infill acceptable?

We’ve lost a school, the center of community connection.  We’ve lost a pedestrian light that assured the safety of community members walking our part of the city.  We are losing a second community building through what seems to be intentional neglect with intention to demolish. Now we’re at risk for losing  ball fields, picnic areas, and a playground with no assurances to replace these amenities.  

With all the focus on mental and physical health, why remove those amenities that keep us mentally and physically strong, placing those budgets and efforts instead on fixing those things later at a higher cost? 

Karen Sweat, CPA

Information provided by Jonna Helm

Updated July 28: Public Hearing set for 8/21 at 7pm

Lakewood residents have filed an appeal to approval of the subdivision for 1515 Whippoorwill Dr under the following basis: 

  • This is not a subdivision of land but rather a merger of two parcels of land at the location of 1515 Whippoorwill. In which, Jefferson County has jurisdiction to perform that function, not the City of Lakewood  
  • The proposed development is estimating 300+ car trips per day with the entrance on the blind curve on Youngfield St at W. 15th Place. The intersection at W. 15th Place and Youngfield Dr has no traffic controls and is already hazardous based on the sightlines of blind curve on Youngfield St, in which there was a near dead-on collision in Lakewood news a few weeks ago at this intersection, and the steep slope of W 15th Place, particularly in snow and ice. Adding 300+ trips per day through this intersection is unsafe and will impact traffic flow on Youngfield St.

The Planning Department will now turn this over to the Planning Commission for a public hearing. Despite this not being a subdivision but a merger, the City is using the subdivision standards to evaluate the approval of the merger. In review of the subdivision standards, there are numerous other violations to the subdivision criteria and the bullets above are just a broad stroke of the issues that we will be addressed during public hearing. 

See the formal appeal here, which alleges several improper processes and decisions.

Residents anticipate that the hearing date will be sometime mid to late August or early September and ask for support by sharing concerns as with regards to safety of the street access, lack of public transportation, traffic control patterns and street connectivity in the subdivision ordinance: 

  • Part 2: Applicable Criteria—Article 3: Subdivision Design Standards
    • 16-3-1 General Standards
    • 16-3-2 Residential Subdivision Standards
    • 16-3-5 Common space, tracts, or buildings
    • 16-3-6 Easements
    • 16-3-7 Utilities
    • 16-3-8 Street and transportation patterns and connectivity standards
    • 16-3-9 Streets, access and transportation

Sign the petition: Change.org

Here are just a couple of photo examples to illustrate the traffic problems on the blind curve. Unfortunately, there are no plans to mitigate these issues.   

Intersection of W. 15th Place and Youngfield St at the blind curve. 
Car missed the turn and hit the power pole 

Head on collision between a car and motorcycle at the blind curve

Video of one of many vehicles that get stuck or can’t up W. 15th Place in winter conditions. 

This car tried for over 2 minutes to get up W. 15th Place and never made it. Today only a few cars access W. 15th Place but what happens when there are 300 trips per day with a single entrance and exit to the apartments through this intersection? The City and Developers have no answers. 

Guest Post

Jerad Knight, Navy spouse in Lakewood Colorado has been nominated for the 2024 Armed Forces Insurance Military Spouse of the Year (AFI MSOY). Jerad Knight is an active military spouse in his local and nationwide military spouse community. He has worked with local organizations and global military spouse networks to bring awareness to issues within the military community ranging from Mental health, suicide awareness, food insecurities, and housing issues.

A full review of his accomplishments and nominations can be viewed on his candidate profile at:


Public voting for the first round of competition opens from February 5 – 9 2024 at:


To vote all anyone would need to do is create a user profile and they can vote daily each day of voting by logging in and casting their votes. Base winners (first round) will be announced February 13, 2024.

A second round of voting will occur February 27 – 28 2024 and the public voting will happen the same way as the first round. Branch (Second Round winners) will be announced March 4, 2024.

After the two rounds of public voting Branch winners will be judged for the overall Military Spouse of the Year 2024 award and announced at the AFI MSOY town Hall in Washington, D.C. on May 9, 2024.


About the Military Spouse of the Year Program

The Armed Forces Insurance Military Spouse of the Year® (AFI MSOY) award was founded in 2008 to honor military spouses from all branches of service. More than one million military spouses support and maintain the home front while our service members defend this great nation.

The AFI MSOY award recognizes military spouses’ important contributions and unwavering commitment to the military community and our country. Nominations for AFI MSOY are made by both the civilian and military community. There are four rounds of advancement, culminating in the announcement of the overall AFI MSOY in our nation’s capital in early May. AFI MSOY is so much more than an award!

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