Lakewood City Council news, a platform for resident information, news on development, entrenched bureaucracy, and crime in Lakewood, Colorado

Janssen to Propose Mill Levy Decrease

Lakewood City Council Member Mary Janssen announced she will be proposing a mill levy decrease in an upcoming meeting.

As seen in the video, her proposal is based on getting tax relief for Lakewood residents. Lakewood’s current mill levy is 7.411 and she is considering proposals to reduce the rate to between 2.5 and 3.6. According to Janssen, Lakewood has added a variety of different taxes in the recent past, such as internet taxes, delivery taxes and taxes on some food products, as well as currently retaining all TABOR refunds.

City Council can lower the mill levy without a vote of the people so it is within Council’s power to provide this relief. Council Member Olver signaled his support for such a measure.

“If we sit back and do nothing, we’re letting a double-digit tax hike sucker punch Lakewood citizens when they’re already winded.”

Councilor Mary Janssen

One response to “Janssen to Propose Mill Levy Decrease”

  1. […] the budget approval council meeting, when I was allowed to bring my motion forward, as reported in Lakewood news. I had already provided the other councilors the mayor, the budget committee city manager and staff […]


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